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August edition

Welcome to Fraser Wealth Management’s August edition.

I feel I should be calling it the early Spring edition given the warm temperatures we are currently experiencing all up and down the East Coast of Australia.

We are now over the halfway mark for 2017. Investors have experienced a mix of positives and negatives.

Starting with:

-          Changes to Superannuation are now implemented

  • In its first budget the Turnbull Government proposed a variety of changes to Superannuation legislation including decreasing the Concessional and Non-Concessional contribution caps as well as changes to taxation rates and the amount that can be invested within pension phase. 

-          Changes to Lending Standards

  • The Australian Prudential Regulating Authority (APRA) proposed changes to Australia’s bank and non-bank lenders by authorizing that they need to hold more capital on their books to mitigate any unforeseen risks to their mortgage books from a downturn in the Australian Property Market. Consequently, banks have tightened the lending standards to households and property investors where by loan to value ratios have decreased and worst of all some rates have increased. 

-          Financial Markets

  • Share markets around the world have remained buoyant throughout the previous 6 months with low volatility and all-time highs experienced on US markets. The US cash rate rose in June by 0.25% indicating that the continued growth of the world’s largest economy remains evident.
  • The Australian Share market returned over 10% for the 2016-2017 Financial Year. Returns are predicted to slow a little bit this year but still remain solid. The Australian economy still remains resilient as ever, in June the economy achieved the longest run of uninterrupted economic growth in the developed world. 

I have packed in some articles that cover topics from applying for finance to Aged Care and consolidating your superannuation accounts as well as some general information on a popular strategy for property investing.

If you have any queries or wish to discuss anything in more detail please feel free to give me a call.


Warmest Regards


Alex Sutherland BCom (Ec&Fin), Dip(FP), CertSMSF

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